مُنسَلِق 16 سَتَمبَر 2009
FoxBot is a bot of Foxie001 creating interwiki-links on many languages. It uses pywikipedia. It's controller speaks and writes English, Dutch and French. ak:User:FoxBot
یہِ صٲرِف چھُ اَکھ باٹ یَتھ Foxie001 (talk) چھُ چلاوان۔
یہِ چھُنہٕ لورِ دستار بٔلِکہِ چھُ اَکھ خۄدکار کھاتہٕ۔ یہِ کھاتہٕ چھُ واریاہ اؠڈِٹ کَم وَقتَس مَنٛز کَرن یَتھ اِنسان اؠڑِٹرس واریاہ وَقت لَگان چھُ۔
FoxBot is a bot of Foxie001 creating interwiki-links on many languages. It uses pywikipedia. It's controller speaks and writes English, Dutch and French. ak:User:FoxBot