Hot cat is a user script which is used to add categories to the page. You can use this script by placing the following code.
یہِ چھُ اَکھ پرٛون گَردان یَمہِ صَفُک، یُس صٲرِف 511KeV (کَتھ | شرکت) چھُ اؠڈِٹ کۆرمُت 03:54, 24 جوٗن 2021 (Added hot cat page will translate it later). یہِ یو آر ایل (URL) چھُ یَمہِ گَردانٕچ لِنک، یۄس حالٕک گَردان نِش مُختَلِف آسہِ.
Hot cat is a user script which is used to add categories to the page. You can use this script by placing the following code.