Badges are our way of saying thank you for participating at the Wikipedia Teahouse. If you got this badge, we think you’re awesome! Thank you!

You can show off your badge on your user talk page. Wikipedians often display their awards and accomplishments to each other, like these contributors: {{{contributor 1}}} and {{{contributor 2}}}.

What do I do with this badge? اؠڈِٹ

To add a badge to your user page.

  1. Go to your user page
  2. Click the “Edit” button
  3. Copy-paste one of these 3 versions and click Publish changes:

How do I earn this badge? اؠڈِٹ

{{{earning steps}}}

وِکیٖپیٖڈیا:Teahouse/Badge/Large This version is {{{{{badge page}}}|size=|message=Optional message|signed=~~~~}}


To switch versions:

  1. Copy the template {{{{{badge page}}}|size=2}}
  2. Paste on your talk page

[[{{{image}}}|link={{{badge page}}}|x32px|{{{badge title}}}]]

To switch versions:

  1. Copy the template {{{{{badge page}}}|size=3}}
  2. Paste on your talk page